Wayne Lodge #416

1932 Ridge Road, Ontario, NY 14519
GPS Longitude: -77.271751 | GPS Latitude: 43.21957

Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (September 2023 - June 2024)


COVID-19 Rules:
From the office of M∴ W∴ William M. Sardone Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York



There will be no Public Installations.

There will be no District Investitures. All investitures will be in the Lodge.

All attendees must wear masks at ALL times. No Mask, No Meeting. No Exception.

There will be no hand shaking.

There will be no hugging/embracing/touching.

Some people are touching elbows. Maybe placing your hand over your heart would be a better greeting. Perhaps, greeting each other with the sign of fidelity would be another way to show brotherly love and affection.

Consultation with Medical Doctors who work with patients agree that cotton gloves and gloves of other material hold and transfer the virus. Unless disposable gloves are constantly disposed, they will also transfer the virus. Hand sanitizers and hand washing are the best answers.

During the Masonic Ritual for opening and closing the Lodge, the use of hand grips or close proximity will not be put into action. (Further guidelines will be provided as needed.)

All Lodges or Halls must provide hand-sanitizers for the attendees. The lavatories and restrooms of all Lodges or Halls must provide liquid hand soap together with clean and sanitary paper towels.

All Lodges or Halls must have an ample supply of spare face masks available. Social Distancing must be adhered to. Not just side to side but back to back.

The Chaplain's place will be relocated to a chair that is Socially Distant near the altar.

The summer months are indeed hot and usually muggy, and many Lodge Buildings do not enjoy the comfort provided by air conditioning. As such, I am encouraging the wearing of collared short-sleeve dress shirts (typically golf shirts) and summer weight slacks to be permissible at meetings in July and August. Many people wash their clothing when returning home from such gatherings. Beside relief from the heat, not wearing suits helps to avoid dry-cleaning bills when money can be tight.

Both Elections and Balloting may take place with due and timely notice and in accordance with our Constitutions, rules and regulations, and your lodge By-Laws. If “too many” want to be at the meeting to vote or ballot, you must rotate members in and out of the lodge room to maintain Social Distancing.

It should be no surprise that Masons love to eat. Be smart and ensure that your fellow Masons and guests sit 6 feet apart in all directions. The distribution of food is complicated and will need special attention with disposable utensils, plates and cups and absolutely no self-serve buffets.

Who may attend these Lodge Communications? You will only be permitted to visit/attend your "Mother" Lodge only. Exception is if you are an officer of another lodge(s). (example: as secretary)

If you Mother Lodge is not within visiting distance, you may visit the Lodge you normally would attend that is local to you. In some instances it may be a dual member lodge.

Grand Line members will not visit any Lodges unless it is their "Mother" Lodge.

District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Lodge Staff Officers, and Assistant Grand Lecturers may be asked to attend a Lodge for a specific reason, but not all together as a group or delegation.

Lodges that want to meet “outdoors” can do so if the proper security and dispensation is in place.

With regard to the conferral of Masonic Degrees, you will be receiving updated options regarding the work of Masonic Degrees.

My Brothers, please use common sense and travel upon the higher road with the best welfare of your fellow brothers in mind. Signage will be placed at the entrance of all doors to Lodge Buildings, instructing anyone with fever or flu-like symptoms not to enter.

Masonic Funerals and Masonic Memorial Services are permitted based upon the parameters and restrictions of the phase assigned to your region/location for Funeral Homes.

Picnics, BBQ’s and other Fund Raisers are permitted provided all Social Distancing and sanitizing methods are strictly adhered to in accordance with the phase assigned to your region/location for such activities.

Lastly, Virtually Social Meetings, such as Zoom, are encouraged now and in the future for Committee meetings, Past Master caucuses, and especially meetings for those who cannot get to Lodge for any reason, the Virtual Social Meeting will remain a viable option.

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