Wayne Lodge #416

1932 Ridge Road, Ontario, NY 14519
GPS Longitude: -77.271751 | GPS Latitude: 43.21957

Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (September 2023 - June 2024)



From the East — Master's Message: Updated September 2022



A lot has been happening with our Lodge. We have been making a lot of improvements to the building, as well as making needed repairs.

The easy part are the tangible things: Plumbing, electric, yardwork, cleaning, etc.

But how do you repair Brethren participation? A Lodge is you. It's your home.

I realize for many, the cabletow is short, but anything you may be able to do only makes the Lodge better. It does make a difference.

I am reaching out to each of you for your support as I work to lead the Lodge to a better future.

In this effort, I am asking for your help. We are currently conducting several fundraisers to offset the cost of needed improvements. If you could find time to either help by volunteering to work a few hours at the events or possibly donate financially to the Lodge, it would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, I wish to personally ask you, the members of our Lodge, to find time in the coming year to attend some of the meetings.

I am working to make them informative and enjoyable. Times are changing and the past is in the past. Let's remember that, as Masons, we are always moving East in search of enlightenment.

My Brothers, much of what you have just read came from the heart and thoughts of our departed Brother W∴ James Showman. But they are still true in every detail today and I ask each of you to help make this Lodge your home, and assist with the goals we have planned.

In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe

W∴ Roger D. Campbell

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